We are proud to announce that the ERASMUS + ACADEMY INFLUENCERS is an approved European project funded by the European Commission within the Erasmus+ programme Partnerships in Vocational Education and Training. Social Media Influencers Academy – Academy Influencers involves young people in the achievement of new key competences on social media business with a balanced mix of vocational digital skills. Social Media Influencers Academy – Academy Influencers contributes to innovation in vocational education and training and resort to e-learning via virtual learning environments, multimedia hardware and software and through social networking to help the participants to learn within the established times.

The project ERASMUS + ACADEMY INFLUENCERS opens the European Union Year of Youth. Proposed by the Commission, the Year of Youth aims to promote opportunities for young people and engage them to become active citizens and actors of change. The European Economic and Social Committee (EESC) has welcomed the declaration of 2022 as the European Year of Youth but has warned it should go beyond mere promotional activities and should contribute towards the EU's youth strategy with clear plans and engagement, making sure it reaches the most vulnerable young people and those in disadvantaged areas. To this end, the EU should develop clear indicators and goals focusing on policies for young people and on work across different sectors, so that the activities that are organised do not become an end in themselves, the EESC said in the opinion on the European Year of Youth 2022, adopted at its December plenary.
Being a social media influencer is not a hobby but a concrete job in a competitive workplace. A real job is an activity when you get a certain occupation with activities and get paid for these activities.

Being a social media influencer is not a hobby but a concrete job in a competitive workplace. A real job is an activity when you get a certain occupation with activities and get paid for these activities.

Young people believe that traditional careers such as law, health, teaching and engineering are outdated and would prefer a more tech focused job path such as software development or smarthome design. A great number of young social media users actually want to become an influencer!

After completing this course, the learners will be send their CV and proposals to the Excellence Gateway created for the matching between demand and the offer of social media services by industries and companies looking for new young talents.
If you have questions you can contact us.

If you are ready to apply to the ACADEMY INFLUENCERS you may click GO FOR IT anytime to begin the application process.
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This website is created and maintained with the Erasmus + financial support of the European Union. Its content does not necessarily reflect the views of the European Commission

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